Dream Team Helsinki

Mikko Kauppinen
Kuvaaja: Mikko Kauppinen
"Dream Team visited Mainiokoti elderly care home"

Dream Team is an international Finnish Red Cross group offering opportunities to volunteer.


Together we plan and organize a variety of events where we aim to serve the community. We also volunteer for other Red Cross groups that are in need for some extra muscle.


Whether you want to volunteer only once in a while or several times a week, we will help you find a suitable opportunity. We volunteer for example with elderly, asylum seekers, immigrants, prisoners, homeless, youth and students. You name it, we do it!


You can find all the upcoming events in our Facebook group under events. All our events have a host. Do not hesitate to contact them or the community for more information. No such thing as stupid questions. If not otherwise specified, all our events are open for everyone to join and you can just show up!  


Did not find what you were looking for? Come and plan your own event! Just throw your ideas on our Facebook group wall and we can plan together. Or come see us in one of our events. If nothing else helps, write us an email to spr.dreamteam@gmail.com.


You are warmly welcome to join the fun!


Contact us: spr.dreamteam@gmail.com